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pinewood perennial gardens



Solidago caesia

Native. Low growing with horizontal growth habit. The purplish stems are lined with sessile, sharply serrated leaves. Yellow clusters of golden flowers develop along the stem during late summer into fall. Prefers full sun to part shade and average to dry soils. 2-3' h x 1-2' w. Z 4-8.

1 gal
Solidago flexicaulis

Native. Woodland goldenrod with finely serrated, oval leaves ending in a sharp point. Spikes of bright-yellow flowers appear during midsummer into fall. Spreads by rhizomes to form a colony. Prefers part shade to shade in rich to dry soils. 3' h x 1.5' w. Z 2-9.

1 gal
Sporobolus heterolepis

Native. A clump forming grass with delicate, open panicles. Foliage progresses from green during the summer to orange in fall and cream color in winter. A prarie grass for dry, sunny locations. 2'/ 3' in flower. Z 4-9.

1 gal
Thermopsis caroliniana

Native. Clump-forming perennial with dense spikes of yellow flowers, resembling lupines, during summer. Tolerant of heat and drought once established. Prefers sun with well-drained soils. Cut back in summer to rejuvenate foliage if necessary. 3' ht x 4' w. Z 5-8.

1.5 gal
Tiarella cordifolia

Native to Eastern North America. Easy to grow in moist, organic, shady sites. White to light-pink flowers develop in spring above a mound of green, deeply veined leaves tinged with burgundy. Stoloniferous plants will form a mass. 12-18" h x 24" w. Z 4-8.

1 gal
Vaccinium angustifolium

Native. Low spreading deciduous shrub with blue-green leaves turning to red in fall. White bell-shaped flowers give way to small, sweet, dark-blue, edible berries. Requires acid soil and sun for best fruit production. 14-24" ht x 24" w. Z 2-8.

1 gal
Vaccinium corymbosum

Native. Deciduous shrub requires acidic soil and adaptable to wet or dry areas. White, bell-shaped flowers appear in spring followed by a blue-black, edible berry. Self-fertile but better fruiting if cross-pollinated. 6-12' ht. Z 4-7

1 gal
Verbena hastata

Native. A short-lived perennial that will self sow. Prefers wet areas although can tolerate drier sites. Blue-violet flowers appear on tall stems from midsummer to fall. Cut back after flowering to stimulate more blooms. 4-6' ht. Z 3-9.

1 gal
Vernonia noveboracensis

Native. A tall, course, upright perennial for wet areas. Deep-purple flowers in 3-4" wide clusters emerge in late summer atop 4-5' tall stems with 4-5" long, narrow leaves. Z 5-9.

1.5 gal
Veronicastrum virginicum

Native. A clumping perennial with lance-like shaped, lacey foliage. Dramatic candleabra-like spikes of white flowers appear during summer. Prefers moist, well-drained soils in full to partial sun but tolerant of a variety of soils. Can prune to control size and promote rebloom. 4-7' h x 2-4' w. Z 3-10.

1.5 gal