pinewood perennial gardens
Caryopteris xclandonensis 'Dark Knight' |
Deciduous, compact, woody shrub with silver-gray, fragrant foliage. Dark blue flowers cover the mounding plant in late summer. Prefers sunny sites with well-drained soils. Tolerant of dry conditions. Prune in early spring after growth begins. 36" h x 48" w. Z 5-9. |
2 gal
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Centaurea montana |
Erect, stoloniferous, clump-forming perennial with gray-green, 7" long, lance-shaped lower leaves. Rich-blue, 2" diameter flowers with tubular petals around the margin surrounding reddish-blue center during early summer. 12-24" ht. Z 3-8. |
1 gal
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Centaurea montana 'Amethyst in Snow'PP 18284 |
Showy flowers with pure-white, trumpet-shaped petals radiate from royal-purple centers during early summer. Flowers contrast nicely against the gray-green mound of 7" long, lance-shaped lower leaves. 14" ht. Z 3-8. |
1 gal
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Ceratostigma plumbaginoides |
A stoloniferous, deciduous groundcover for sunny sites. Gentian-blue flowers from midsummer into fall. Fall color is bronze-red. 8-12" ht. Z 5-8. |
1 gal
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Ceratostigma plumbaginoides |
A stoloniferous, deciduous groundcover for sunny sites. Gentian-blue flowers from midsummer into fall. Fall color is bronze-red. 8-12" ht. Z 5-8. |
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Chasmanthium latifolium |
Clump-forming, warm season grass with gold fall color growing to 4'. Small, silvery flowers are followed by groups of flattened, green spikelets that turn red-bronze in autumn. Z 5. |
0.7 gal
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Chelone glabra |
Native. White, 1" long flowers appear in clusters for several weeks atop dark-green foliage. Best grown in moist to wet sites in sunny to part shade conditions. Pinch in spring to control height. 2-4' ht by 1-2' wide. Z 4-8. |
1 gal
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Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips' |
This late summer-early fall accent plant requires evenly moist, rich soil in full sun or partial shade. Pink, 1" long flowers, resembling turtles, appear during mid- to late summer for about 4 weeks. Pinch during spring to control height. 2-3' ht. Z 3-8. |
1 gal
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Chrysogonum virginianum 'Superstar' |
Deep green, semi-evergreen foliage is topped with golden flowers in mid to late spring. Low growing groundcover produces a vigourous clump. Prefers shade to part shade with organic soil such as woodland areas. Attractive to pollinators early in the season. 6-8" h x 24" w. Z 5-8. |
1 gal
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Clematis Sapphire IndigoPP 17012 |
A sprawling type of clematis that will mingle with other plants, forming an 18" tall by 3' wide mound of 2' long arching stems. Dark purple 4" blooms that fade to deep blue occur from late spring into late summer. Z 4-8. |
1.5 gal
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