pinewood perennial gardens
Aster novi-belgii |
Native. This species is more compact than the above, growing from 1.5-4' tall. Light-blue flowers appear during mid- to late summer. Requires even moisture for best growth. Z 4-8. |
1 gal
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Athyrium filix-femina |
Native. Deciduous, erect, 1-2' lacy fronds, short-creeping rhizome. Spreads nicely but doesn't run. More tolerant of dry, sunny conditions than other ferns. Z 2-9. |
1 gal
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Baptisia australis |
Native. This native, with gray-green leaves, emerges early to develop into a shrubby herbaceous perennial that is adaptable in a wide range of environments. Showy racemes, up to 12" long, of pea-shaped, indigo-blue flowers appear during June. 3-4' ht. Z 3-8. |
1.5 gal
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Campsis radicans |
A native, rapidly growing, deciduous, woody vine that climbs by aerial roots. Clusters of yellow orange to red trumpet shaped, 3-4" long flowers appear during summer into early fall. Tolerant of difficult conditions. Can reach 40' high. Z 4-10. |
1.5 gal
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Carex appalachica |
Native to dry woods of eastern North America. This sedge has fine texture and fountaining habit of dark-green leaves. Adaptable to various soil types but prefers well-drained soil in part shade to shady sites. 12" h x 8" w. Z 3-8. |
0.7 gal
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Carex pensylvanica |
Native. Slow growing, native grass with slender, green leaves to 8" long. Semi-evergreen in cold climates. Adaptable to sunny or shady locations and tolerates dry, sandy, wooded settings. Spring flowers insignificant. 8" ht. Z 4. |
0.7 gal
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Chelone glabra |
Native. White, 1" long flowers appear in clusters for several weeks atop dark-green foliage. Best grown in moist to wet sites in sunny to part shade conditions. Pinch in spring to control height. 2-4' ht by 1-2' wide. Z 4-8. |
1 gal
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Dennstaedtia punctilobata |
Native. Deciduous, erect-arching, yellow-green, lacy fronds growing 15-30" tall. Spreads by long-creeping rhizome. Provide room for this fern to spread. Tolerant of dry, thin or sandy soils. Z 3-8. |
1 gal
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Echinacea purpurea |
A native echinacea with slightly drooping, rose-purple petals and large, coppery-orange central core. Long summer bloom period. 2-3' ht. Z 3-8. |
1.5 gal
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Eragrostis spectabilis |
Native. This grass develops light-green summer foliage which turn to a bronzy-red hue in fall. Bronze-red clouds of inflorescences glisten in the late summer-fall sun. Grows to 2' tall with a 2-3' spread. Z 5-8. |
1 gal
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