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pinewood perennial gardens



Leucanthemum 'Becky'

Large, single, white blossoms on 36" stems. Plants hold up well in full sun, heat, and humidity. Z 4-9. 2003 PPA Perennial Plant of the Year.

1.5 gal
Leymus arenarius 'Blue Dune'

Long and narrow, blue-green leaves. Best foliage color develops in dry, hot, full sun conditions. Spreads aggressively by rhizomes so use appropriately. Extremely drought tolerant and fairly salt tolerant. 3' ht. Z 4.

1.5 gal
Liatris spicata

Native. Deep red-violet, 15" long spikes during midsummer with 10-12" long basal leaves. This native is adaptable to very dry sites with poor soil. 24-36" ht. Z 3-9.

1.5 gal
Liatris spicata 'Alba'

Spikes up to 15" long of white flowers during summer on 24-36" tall stems. Basal leaves are up to 10" long which become progressively shorter along the stem. Z 3-9.

1.5 gal
Liatris spicata 'Kobold'

Violet-rose flower spikes up to 12" long from early to midsummer. The original 'Kobold'. 24-30" ht. Z 3-9.

1.5 gal
Ligularia dentata 'Britt-Marie Crawford'PP 16113

Large, glossy, dark chocolate leaves with dark-purple undersides. Golden-orange, daisy-like flowers on 3-4' long purplish-black stems during summer. Provide shade during the afternoon to protect from wilting. Z 5-8.

2 gal
Ligularia dentata 'Othello'

Mahogany-red foliage with orange-yellow, daisy-like flowers from July to August. Z 5-8.

2 gal
Ligularia 'Little Rocket'PP 14621

Dwarf cultivar to 24" tall with large, gray-green leaves. 24" long conical spikes of bright-yellow flowers rise above the foliage. Z 5-8.

2 gal
Ligularia stenocephala 'The Rocket'

4' spikes of golden yellow flowers all summer above 2' high clump of large, bold leaves. Z 5-8.

2 gal
Lilium 'Butter Pixie'PP 6422

Asiatic. Golden yellow flowers on 18" stems. Z 5-9.

1.5 gal