pinewood perennial gardens
Campanula carpatica 'Rapido Blue' |
Earlier blooming variety with 2" violet-blue flowers lasting through the summer on a low growing plant with dark green foliage. Provide sun to part shade and average moisture. 5-7" h x 5-8" w. Z 3-9. |
0.7 gal
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Campanula carpatica 'Rapido White' |
Earlier blooming variety with 2" white flowers lasting through the summer on a low growing plant with dark green foliage. Provide sun to part shade and average moisture. 5-7" h x 5-8" w. Z 3-9. |
0.7 gal
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Campanula poscharskyana Blue Waterfall |
Cool-blue, bell-shaped flowers during summer appear to cascade over the foliage. A vigorous plant that quickly fills a sunny spot. Use in an urn, rock wall, or hanging basket. Tolerant of drier conditions than other types. 10" ht x 18" w. Z 4-9. |
1 gal
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Campsis radicans |
A native, rapidly growing, deciduous, woody vine that climbs by aerial roots. Clusters of yellow orange to red trumpet shaped, 3-4" long flowers appear during summer into early fall. Tolerant of difficult conditions. Can reach 40' high. Z 4-10. |
1.5 gal
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Carex appalachica |
Native to dry woods of eastern North America. This sedge has fine texture and fountaining habit of dark-green leaves. Adaptable to various soil types but prefers well-drained soil in part shade to shady sites. 12" h x 8" w. Z 3-8. |
0.7 gal
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Carex elata 'Aurea' |
The color of this unique golden sedge is most spectacular when planted in full sun, turning lime-green when planted in shade. Prefers moist to wet soils. Plant as a specimen or en masse around pond borders. 2' ht. Z 5-8. |
1 gal
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Carex flacca 'Blue Zinger' |
This carex produces a mat of bluish foliage suitable for dry or moist, shady conditions. While evergreen in warmer climates, cut back in spring in colder areas to freshen up foliage. 8-16" ht by 12-24" w. Z 5-8. |
1 gal
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Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' |
An adaptable, grass-like plant with bright-white variegation for part shade to shade locations. Spreads by rhizomes to function as a groundcover or use as a single speciman. 15" ht by 15" w. Z 5-9 |
1.5 gal
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Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' |
An adaptable, grass-like, evergreen plant that creates a bright spot in the shady garden. Narrow green leaves with a yellow stripe creates a dense, clump-forming mound. Tolerates dry shade but prefers moist, rich soil. 8-18" ht x 18" wide. Z 5-10. |
1.5 gal
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Carex oshimensis 'Everillo'PP 21022 |
An evergreen grass-like plant with bright, yellow foliage, year-round. Use as a groundcover or to edge a path or patio. Provide some shade in the afternoon to reduce burning. Cut back in the spring to allow new foliage to develop. 12-18" h x 12-18" w. Z 5-9. |
1 gal
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