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pinewood perennial gardens



Astilbe 'Sprite'

Finely dissected, bronze-green foliage forms a 12" high mound with shell-pink flowers in midsummer. A great dwarf astilbe. Z 4-8. 1994 PPA Perennial Plant of the Year. (M)

1 gal
Athyrium filix-femina

Native. Deciduous, erect, 1-2' lacy fronds, short-creeping rhizome. Spreads nicely but doesn't run. More tolerant of dry, sunny conditions than other ferns. Z 2-9.

1 gal
Athyrium filix-femina 'Lady in Red'

Selection of A. f-f. with red stems.

1 gal
Athyrium niponicum var. pictum

Deciduous, arching, 8-20" fronds. Short-creeping rhizome. Tricolored frond with burgundy rachis and Z of gray and darker green on the leaves. Best color in light shade. Z 4-9. 2004 PPA Perennial Plant of the Year.

1 gal
Athyrium x 'Ghost'

Deciduous fern with upright, silvery-white colored fronds. Grow in part-shade to shadw with average to consistent moisture. Spreads slowly by shallow rhizomes. 18-24" ht. Z 4-8.

1 gal
Baptisia australis

Native. This native, with gray-green leaves, emerges early to develop into a shrubby herbaceous perennial that is adaptable in a wide range of environments. Showy racemes, up to 12" long, of pea-shaped, indigo-blue flowers appear during June. 3-4' ht. Z 3-8.

1.5 gal
Baptisia australis

Native. This native, with gray-green leaves, emerges early to develop into a shrubby herbaceous perennial that is adaptable in a wide range of environments. Showy racemes, up to 12" long, of pea-shaped, indigo-blue flowers appear during June. 3-4' ht. Z 3-8.

1 gal
Brunnera macrophylla

Large basal leaves (to 6" across) with smaller leaves higher up. Spreads slowly from plants developing at base. Delightful, tiny clusters of small, light-blue flowers, resembling forget-me-nots, from May to June. 18" ht by 20" w. Z 3-7.

1 gal
Brunnera macrophylla 'Alexander's Great'PP 25789

Huge, heavily silvered leaves with contrasting green veins produce a plant that makes a statement in a garden or container. Sky-blue flowers emerge in early spring. Provide part-shade to shade, even moisture and well-drained soils. 14" ht x 30" w. Z 4-9.

1.5 gal
Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost'PP 13859

Leaves up to 5" wide with a silvery shine. Great for shadier spots. Blue forget-me-not type flowers during mid- to late spring. 12-15" ht. Z 3-7. 2012 PPA Perennial Plant of the Year.

0.7 gal