pinewood perennial gardens
Gazania linearis 'Colorado Gold' |
3" wide, gold flowers appear from summer into fall against long, slender, toothed, deep-green leaves with silver undersides. Plant forms 8" high mound and spreads to 10+ inches. Tolerates average to dry soils. Z 4-8. |
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Gelsemium sempervirens 'Margarita' |
A woody, semievergreen, twining vine with profuse display of clear yellow trumpet flowers in late spring/early summer. Prefers moist, rich, well-drained, slightly acidic soils in full sun to partial shade. Can prune hard to keep in bounds. 8-12' h x 1-5' w. Z 7-10. |
1.5 gal
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Geranium macrorrhizum 'Bevan's Variety' |
A spring blooming perennial forming 1’ tall mounds of semi-evergreen deeply lobed aromatic leaves. In spring, magenta colored flowers develop for several weeks. Strong plants that spread by rhizomes. Plants tolerate heat and humidity, sun to shade, loamy, sandy, chalky or poor infertile soils, acidic or alkaline pH, and drought. 15" h x 24" w. Z 3-8. |
1 gal
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Geranium macrorrhizum 'Spessart' |
A spring blooming perennial forming 1’ tall mounds of semi-evergreen deeply lobed aromatic leaves. In spring, white to pale pink flowers with red calyces appear for several weeks. Strong plants that spread by rhizomes developing red fall color. Plants tolerate heat and humidity, sun to shade, loamy, sandy, chalky or poor infertile soils, acidic or alkaline pH, and drought. 15-18" h x 24" w. Z 3-8 |
1 gal
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Geranium maculatum |
This native forms a mound 12-24" tall with loose clusters of pink to lavender flowers for several weeks during spring. Z 4-8. |
1 gal
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Geranium Rozanne |
Long blooming plant with large, violet-blue flowers and a white eye above deep-green foliage. 18" high by 2-3' spread. Z 5-8. 2008 PPA Perennial Plant of the Year. |
1 gal
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Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Biokovo' |
A dependable geranium that produces masses of white flowers tinged with pink on 6-8" tall plants. Flowers during late spring to midsummer. Provide sun to part-shade and average moisture but well-drained conditions. Develops red foliage in fall. Z 5-7. |
1 gal
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Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Karmina' |
A low-growing cultivar that spreads by rhizomes to form a nice carpet. Carmine-red flowers appear in late spring. Leaves turn bright-orange to red in fall. Provide sun to part-shade and average moisture. 6-10" high by 12-24" wide. Z 5-8. |
1 gal
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Geum 'Blazing Sunset' |
Geum with fully double, large, scarlet-red flowers from late spring into summer over clumps of softly haired medium green foliage. 24" h x 12-18" w. Z 5-7. |
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Hakonechloa macra |
Clump-forming, slow spreading grass that forms a mound of gracefully arching stems with green leaves. Tolerates sun or shade. More vigorous than the yellow cultivars. Plants turn orange or red during fall. 18-24" ht. Zone 5-9. |
0.7 gal
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