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pinewood perennial gardens



Hakonechloa macra 'Albovariegata'

An elegant grass with a graceful habit is more vigourous and taller than other cultivars. Leaves are deep-green with thin white strips. Tolerant of sun if adequate moisture but prefers partial shade. 24-30" h x 30-36" w. Z 5-8.

0.7 gal
Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold'

This variety has solid, chartreuse-yellow leaves that lights up any shade garden. Nice cascading mound adds a nice texture to the garden. 12" ht. Z 5-9.

0.7 gal
Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola'

Bright-yellow, cascading foliage with thin, green stripes during the growing season turning to pink-red in fall. 12-24" ht. Z 5-9. 2009 PPA Perennial Plant of the Year.

0.7 gal
Helenium autumnale Mariachi 'Salsa'PPAF

Long blooming perennial with compact habit is covered with bold red flowers from late summer through fall. Grows best in full sun with average to moist, well-drained soil. Deadheading will extend bloom time. 18-20" h x 20-24" w. Z 3-9.

1 gal
Helenium Mardi GrasPP 15124

A taller variety with multicolored blooms from late summer through fall. Flowers of yellow petals edged with red-orange at the base surround a chesnut-brown cones. Grows best in full sun with average to moist, well-drained soil. Pinch back early to promote branching and deadheading to extend flowering time. 36-40" h x 24-36" w. Z 4-8.

1 gal
Heliopsis helianthoides

Native. Attractive, upright, herbaceous perennial growing from 3-5' with 2-3" wide yellow flowers and golden center during the summer and into the fall. Tolerant of a wilde range of conditions including poor soil and dry sites although prefers moist, well-drained soil and sun. Easy to grow. 3-5' h x 2' w. Z 3-8.

1 gal
Heliopsis helianthoides 'Summer Sun'

Bright-yellow, 3" diameter flowers from July to September on 24-30" stems. Z 3-9.

2 gal
Helleborus Brandywine

Thick, leathery, evergreen leaves form a mounding habit year round. A mix of flower colors in singles and doubles appear in late winter, lasting a month or more. Tolerates dry shade. Avoid wet areas. 12-18" ht. Z 4-8.

1 gal
Helleborus FrostkissPP 19413

A series made up of various varieties differing in flower color. Varieties offered depend on availability. This first year flowering series produces longer lasting flowers above sturdy, attractive foliage. Available in white, red, and pink tones. Tolerates dry shade. Avoid wet areas. 12-18" h x 12"-18" w. Z 5-8.

1 gal
Helleborus xnigercors 'Candy Love' Winter MagicPP 19413

Showy clusters of outward facing blooms during late winter into spring in pastel shades that develop a tinge of green as they mature. Leathery, evergreen foliage forms nice clumps throughout the year. Tolerates dry shade. 12-15" ht. Z 3-9.

1 gal