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pinewood perennial gardens



Hemerocallis 'Rosy Returns'PP 9779

This everblooming daylily sports 4" wide, fragrant, rose-pink blend flowers, with a deep rose eye-zone and yellow throat that appear all summmer.18" ht. Z 3-9.

1.5 gal
Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro'

Gold. Rebloomer. 11". (E-M)

1.5 gal
Hemerocallis 'Summer Wine'

Large 5.5" deep wine-purple flowers with a yellow throat during the summer. 24". (M)

1.5 gal
Hemerocallis 'Sunday Gloves'

Fragrant, near-white flowers with ruffled tepals, pale-yellow eye and celery-green throat. Blooms all summer. Rebloomer. 27". (E-M)

1.5 gal

We are offering a variety of Heuchera in qt containers varying in foliage color. Review our weekly availability for varieities offered.

Heuchera 'Caramel'PP 16560

Villosa hybrid. New foliage emerges gold turning to shades of apricot with age. Light-pink flowers appear during midsummer on 18" stems. Tolerates heat and humidity. Prefers shadier spots but tolerates sun. Mounds 10" high by 20" wide. Z 4-8.

1 gal
Heuchera Frosted VioletPP 15085

Villosa hybrid. Dark, plum-purple leaves with darker veination. Fine hairs on leaves give a frosted appearance. 30" tall flower scapes lined with pink flowers during late spring/early summer. Tolerates heat & humidity. Mound 12" high by 24" spread. Z 3-8.

1 gal
Heuchera 'Green Spice'

Broad, green leaves with a silvery overlay and darker green edges with outstanding beet-red veination during cooler months. Tiny cream colored flowers on 28" scapes in early summer. Leaf shades of red and orange appear in fall. 9" h x 16" w . Z 4-9.

1 gal
Heuchera 'Magma'PP 29166

Early foliage emerges bright pink or purple turning to vibrant red and aging to mahogany. Pink flowers develop in late spring. A vigorous heuchera with large leaves. 24"h x 24" w. Z 4-9.

1 gal
Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple'

Deep olive-green to purplish-bronze foliage all season. Small, white flowers from late spring to midsummer on 20" stems. 8-12" ht. Z 4-9. 1991 PPA Perennial Plant of the Year.

1 gal