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pinewood perennial gardens



Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple'

Deep olive-green to purplish-bronze foliage all season. Small, white flowers from late spring to midsummer on 20" stems. 8-12" ht. Z 4-9. 1991 PPA Perennial Plant of the Year.

Heuchera 'Midnight Rose'PP 18551

A sport of Obsidian with the same dark purple leaves but with hot pink spots and flecks as they emerge in spring, maturing to creamy-pink. Flowers are insignificant. 10" ht by 16" wide. Z 4-9.

1 gal
Heuchera 'Obsidian'PP 14836

Dark purplish-black leaves with a glossy sheen form a compact 10" high mound. Creamy-white flowers appear from late spring to midsummer on 24" stems. Z 4-9.

1 gal
Heuchera 'Plum Pudding'

Pink flower clusters develop during early to midsummer against the shiny, dark purple-red leaves with faint silvery marbling. Good tolerance to heat and humidity. 12-15" ht. Z 5-9.

1 gal
Heuchera villosa 'Autumn Bride'

Fuzzy, chartreuse to lime-green foliage forms a 2' high by 3-4' wide mound. Large, creamy-white flowers appear from early fall until frost. Tolerant of dry shade, although it performs best with some moisture. Z 3-8.

1 gal
Heucherella 'Alabama Sunrise'PP 19611

A H. villosa x Tiarella hybrid with good heat and humidity tolerance. Brightly colored gold leaves with red veining emerge in spring and holds color throughout summer, turning more green with red veining by early fall. 12" ht x 12-15" w. Z 4-9.

1 gal
Heucherella 'Buttered Rum'PP 25040

Caramel-dipped, deeply-cut maple leaves adorn this aptly named plant from spring to summer. In fall, the cool weather burnishes the leaves to a lovely rose-red. Provide sun to shade although would appreciate some protection during hot summers. Average moisture with well-drained soil. 7" h x 15" w. Z 4-9.

1 gal
Heucherella 'Onyx'PP 29926

True black, glossy, deeply cut leaves on a dense, medium size mound. Shy to bloom. Provide sun to shade conditions although would appreciate some protection during hot summers. Site with low to average moisture and good drainage. 10-15" h x 16" w. Z 4-9.

1 gal
Heucherella 'Pink Revolution'PPAF

This variety is covered by scapes of raspberry-pink flowers during mid to late spring. A mounding habit from deeply cut green leaves with silver and purple markings. Provide moist but well-drained soil and part shade. 12-15"/24" h flower x 18-24" w. Z 5-9.

1 gal
Heucherella 'Sweet Tea'PP 21296

A villosa hybrid. Forms a clump of unique shades of orange that change through the season from shades of apricot orange in spring to coppery orange, russet, and cinnamon tones in summer. 20" h x 29" w. Z 4-9.

1 gal