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pinewood perennial gardens



Anemone x hybrida 'Whirlwind'

Semi-double, 4" wide, pure-white flowers appear during fall. 24-36" or higher by 24" wide. Z 5-7.

1 gal
Aquilegia canadensis

Native. Red, 1.5" wide flowers with yellow centers appear from early to midspring for approximately 6 weeks. Excellent naturalizing native for the shady rock garden. 1-3' ht. Z 3-8.

0.7 gal
Aquilegia canadensis 'Little Lanterns'

A compact selection of the native A. canadensis, growing 12-18" tall in flower. This floriforous plant sports bi-color drooping flowers in shades of red and yellow during late spring. Z 3-8.

Aralia cordata 'Sun King'

Uniquely different plant for shady situations. Large golden, compound leaves to 3' long contrast against red stems. Racemes of tiny white flowers in late summer give way to black berries. A few hours of sun daily helps maintain color. 3' ht x 3' w. Z 3-9. 2020 PPA Perennial Plant of the Year.

1.5 gal
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 'Massachusetts'

Evergreen woody groundcover suitable for sandy, acid soils and sunny oceanside plantings. White flowers flushed with pink appear from late spring to early summer against the small, glossy-green leaves. Small red fruit appears in fall. 6" ht x 5' wide. Z 2-8.

0.7 gal
Armeria maritima 'Splendens'

Tight mound of thin, green leaves with deep-rose flowers extending 6-8" during May & June. Z 4-8.

0.7 gal
Armeria maritima 'Splendens'

Tight mound of thin, green leaves with deep-rose flowers extending 6-8" during May & June. Z 4-8.

Artemisia 'Powis Castle'

Fern-like, silvery foliage which forms a 24-30" high by 24" wide mound although it can spread wider by rhizomes. Non-flowering. Z 6-8.

1 gal
Artemisia stelleriana 'Silver Brocade'

Dense, silvery foliage forms a low growing mat. 6-12" high by 30" wide. Prefers good drainage, tolerant of dry conditions, salt air and saline water. Z 4-8.

1 gal
Aruncus aethusifolius

Dwarf variety with fern-like, dark-green foliage and panicles of creamy-white flowers in late spring. 8-12" ht. Z 3-7.

1 gal