pinewood perennial gardens
Aruncus dioicus |
Large growing plant to 5' high and 6' wide given sufficient moisture, dappled shade, and room. Plume-like panicles of small, ivory flowers in late spring. Z 3-7. |
1.5 gal
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Asclepias incarnata |
Native. A tall, clump-forming native plant with 3-6" long, narrow leaves. Rosy-pink flowers, with faint vanilla scent, appear in late spring and early summer. Prefers moist soils. 3-4' ht by 2' wide. Z 3-7. |
1.5 gal
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Asclepias incarnata 'Ice Ballet' |
An erect, clump-forming perennial that prefers moist, sunny sites. Clusters of white flowers develop during midsummer atop 3-4' stems lined with willow-like leaves. A butterfly magnet. 3-4' h x 2-3' w. Z 3-9. |
1.5 gal
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Aster divaricatus 'Eastern Star' |
A sprawling aster that becomes covered with small, white flowers with yellow centers beginning in late summer. Flowers fade to rose-pink. An adaptable plant. A great addition to the woodland garden. 18-24" ht x 36" w. Z 3-8. |
1 gal
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Aster ericoides 'Snowflurry' |
Low growing, groundcover aster that becomes smothered with white flowers during late summer/early fall. Adaptable to sunny sites and drier soils. Makes a great container plant, cascading down the side of the pot. 6-8" h x 24" w. Z 3-9. |
1 gal
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Aster lateriflorum 'Lady in Black' |
An interesting aster where flowers with a red-center are surrounded by white petals, contrasting nicely against the purplish-black strappy leaves. Adaptable to many soil types and drought tolerant once established. Plant can be cutback in late June to control height, creating a more compact plant when it flowers in late summer/early fall. 3' h x 3' w. Z 3-8. |
1 gal
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Aster novae-angliae |
Native. A tall, leafy-stemmed native aster with clusters of 1.5-2" wide, violet to pink flowers with yellow centers that appear during late summer. Requires even moisture for best growth. Great cut flower. 4-6' ht. Z 3-8. |
1 gal
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Aster novae-angliae 'Grape Crush'PP 33612 |
A variety of New England aster with rich, dark purple flowers during the fall. Control height by pruning in late spring. Performs best in rich, evenly moist soil and full sun. Good color for the fall garden. Attractive to pollinators. 26-30" h x 40-44" w. Z 3-8. |
1 gal
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Aster novae-angliae 'Purple Dome' |
Naturally compact form introduced by Mt. Cuba Center. Deep purple flowers develop in late summer into fall. Provide sun to filtered shade and moist but well-drained soil. Cut back after flowering to reduce variable seedlings. Z 4-8. |
1 gal
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Aster novi-belgii |
Native. This species is more compact than the above, growing from 1.5-4' tall. Light-blue flowers appear during mid- to late summer. Requires even moisture for best growth. Z 4-8. |
1 gal
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