pinewood perennial gardens
Aster oblongifolius 'October Skies' |
Low, mounding perennial with densely branched stems. Forms a colony from underground rhizomes. Florets consist of blue-purple ray flowers and yellow disk in fall. Prefers full sun with average to dry soils. Attractive to pollinators and butterflies. 15" h x 24" w. Z 5-8. |
1 gal
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Aster oblongifolius 'Raydon's Favorite' |
Violet-blue flowers develop during fall on mounding plants growing 2-3' high. Grows best in well-drained soil and sunny sites. An easy to grow plant that will attract pollinators and butterflies. 2-3' h x 2-3' w. Z 4-9. |
1 gal
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Aster 'Wood's Light Blue' |
Compact variety with rounded habit becomes covered with light blue flowers with yellow centers in early fall. Tolerant of dry conditions and prefers sunny sites. Alternative for potted mums. 12-18" ht x 12-24" w. Z 4-8. |
1 gal
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Aster 'Wood's Pink' |
Compact variety with rounded habit becomes covered with pink flowers surrounding a yellow center in early fall. Tolerant of dry conditions and prefers sunny sites. Resistant to rust and mildew. Alternative for potted mums. 12-18" ht x 12-24" w. Z 4-8. |
1 gal
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Astilbe 'Bridal Veil' |
Popular astilbe with white flowers on 24" stems. Z 4-8. (M) |
1.5 gal
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Astilbe chinensis 'Pumila' |
Low growing plant with dense, lavender-purple flowers to 8-12" tall in midsummer. Z 4-8. (M) |
1.5 gal
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Astilbe chinensis 'Purple Candles' |
A stately astilbe with flower plumes to 42" high. Flowers emerge violet-red and lighten with age. Extends the flowering season as this is a late blooming variety. 42" ht x 24" w. Z 4-9. (L) |
1.5 gal
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Astilbe chinensis 'Vision in Red'PP 11965 |
Dark purplish-red flowers on 18-20" tall stems during midsummer. The glossy, bronze green foliage forms a mound 8-12" high. Z 4-8. (M-L) |
1.5 gal
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Astilbe chinensis 'Vision in White'PP 18965 |
Large, creamy-white triangular plumes in midsummer. The smooth and glossy leaves are not as coarsely textured as others in the Visions Series. 18" ht x 18" w. Z 4-9. |
1.5 gal
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Astilbe chinensis 'Visions' |
Upright, pink-purple flowers on 20" tall stems during mid summer. The glossy, bronze green foliage forms a mound 8-12" high. Z 4-8. (M-L) |
1.5 gal
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